
Sense Defence AI: Revolutionising Web Application Security


Harnessing cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, Sense Defence AI redefines the standards for safeguarding web applications, offering an innovative layer of security unmatched in the industry.


Sense Defence AI, leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, has set new standards in web application security. This next-gen Web Application Firewall (WAF) is designed to provide businesses with unparalleled protection against an evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Challenges Addressed:

  • Traditional WAFs struggle to keep up with sophisticated, modern cyber-attacks.
  • Companies face difficulties in managing security solutions that require extensive manual configuration and tuning.
  • The need for a solution that enhances security without compromising application performance or user experience.


Sense Defence AI introduces an AI-enhanced WAF that automatically detects and blocks threats in real-time, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches. Its global acceleration network ensures optimal application performance worldwide, while the intuitive dashboard offers seamless management of security protocols.

Key Features:

  • AI-Enhanced Detection: Utilizes advanced AI algorithms for real-time threat identification and mitigation, drastically reducing false positives.
  • Global Acceleration: Employs a Global Accelerator Anycast network, enhancing web application performance by up to 60%.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Offers an intuitive dashboard for comprehensive monitoring and management of web security.
  • Flexible Deployment: Supports a flexible architecture that caters to the needs of developers, operations, and security teams.
  • Exceptional Detection Precision: Achieves 99% accuracy in distinguishing between legitimate and malicious traffic, ensuring legitimate users are not impacted.


  • Enhanced Security: Provides robust protection against a broad spectrum of web attacks with minimal false positives.
  • Improved Performance: Boosts application speed and reliability, enhancing the user experience globally.
  • Operational Efficiency: Reduces the administrative burden on IT and security teams with automated threat detection and response capabilities.
  • Scalability: Easily scales to meet the needs of growing businesses, ensuring security measures evolve in line with company expansion.


Sense Defence AI stands at the forefront of web application security, offering a sophisticated, AI-powered solution that not only secures businesses against cyber threats but also enhances application performance and user satisfaction. Its innovative approach to automated threat detection and global acceleration makes it an essential tool for companies aiming to protect their digital assets while maintaining a competitive edge in today's fast-paced digital environment.